In modern manufacturing, the quest for burr free components has scaled a new high. With intricate component design, difficult to machine materials and strict cleanliness requirements, it poses challenges to the manufacturers. Over decades, many different deburring techniques have evolved. Among the most effective ones, there are two non-conventional processes – Electrochemical Machining (ECM) & Thermal Energy Method of deburring (TEM). Owing to their effectiveness and productivity, they are the most preferred methods in recent times. Keeping this in view, Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association is organizing a session on Effective deburring of metallic, machined components. It is a unique combination of a classroom session followed by practical demonstration at Extrude Hone India's Bangalore facility. |
Group Concession : 10% for 3 to 5 and 20% for 6 and more delegates being nominated from the same company |
Participant Profile
This program will be conducted by Mr. Debnath Goswami. Mr. Debnath Goswami, Managing Director of Extrude Hone India Pvt; Ltd., has 30+ years’ experience on machine design & building, project management and marketing of machine tools from various industry like M/s Saint Gobain India, M/s Kennametal India & M/s Extrude Hone India. |
REGISTRATION : Prior registration for participation is necessary. Number of participants is limited and will be accepted on ‘First Come First Serve’ basis. A Certificate of participation will be issued to participants. Important Information : Participation fee includes, course material, working lunch and tea / coffee. Interested companies are requested to register online by clicking on 'REGISTER' button and by filling up the nomination authority and participant's details in specified form. |
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